Your birthright is to live free and whole.


Committed to the liberation of Black Women Survivors Of Sexual Abuse!

Here's The Truth...

Little black girls all over this country are waking up to another day of keeping a
secret and living in fear. She walks and breathes in fear everyday because she
knows the boogeyman is going to come again. This boogeyman isn’t under her
bed, but in her bed. This boogeyman doesn’t jump out of the bushes. No he
saunters into her house through her front door. He is an uncle, a cousin, an older
brother, Mama’s boyfriend, a “friend” of the family, the neighbor down the street,
or perhaps even grand pop.

Come join us
Were you once that little girl? Did you hear people real or imagined telling you to “..Hush…Hush…”
“Nobody is going to believe you.”
“He wouldn’t do something like that.”
“You’re just a little black girl and you’re not innocent anyway.”
Well, you are no longer that helpless and defenseless little girl.
You have the power of your mind, your thoughts and beliefs.
You have the power of your words. Yes, the power of your voice! You have the power to change your life and the life of another black girl child. She may be your daughter, niece or grandchild. Perhaps you don’t even know her. But she is waiting. They all are waiting. How long will you keep them waiting?

Are you ready (or almost ready)

To break the chains that have shackled you with shame and guilt? Ready to reclaim the lost and stolen parts of yourself? Ready to be free and become all that God has destined you to be?

Look no further! We’ve got you!

The Speakmyname Collective’s express mission is to gather sisters who have
disclosed with those who have not. In this exchange women will be given the
tools to either step out of the shadows of abuse or gain the strength to persevere.
We believe speaking one’s name as a survivor brings you into a total state of
liberation. As you embrace yourself with radical self-love, you can now reclaim the best of who you are. When we come out of the shadows by the millions we will cause a shift and an urgency to end sexual violence. First, we must create our own revolution of love.

“The telling of the story, the being able to say, “This is what happened to me” , is crucial.”— Oprah Winfrey